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Are Banner Ads Effective?

Are Banner Ads Effective?

Are banner ads effective? Do Internet users pay attention to various advertisements and do they immediately understand the offer? If you've had experience placing a display ad, these questions are likely quite familiar to you. Launching an effective marketing campaign is both an art, where you feel the pulse of "your audience," and a science with clear rules leading to predictable results. Dive deeper into the realm of banners and their significance in business promotion by exploring this article.


Do you remember the time when you didn't see a single advertisement on the pages of websites? Indeed, it has become commonplace to assert that advertising is ineffective due to its abundance, fostering discussions among experts. However, is this assertion genuinely accurate?

If you believe that digital advertising is only suitable for clicks, then you are wasting your marketing budgets. Especially if these advertising budgets are small.

Digital marketing with banners involves the creation of a comprehensive brand strategy, meticulously planned engagement, a continuous reminder, and a blend of teasers with a value proposition. However, it is by no means the sole advertising channel. This is communication with potential customers across all the network points they visit, aiming to be memorable, evoke positive emotions, and present the brand comprehensively.

Recently, marketers have been discussing the decline in the effectiveness of banner advertising, attributed to the increasing number of customers who don't remember the ads they have seen. But it is not quite true. Display advertising creates a single information space around the company so that the client always has the opportunity to quickly find the desired site.

Let's start from the beginning: what is a banner ad?
Banner ad is a visual, clickable ad placed at the top, bottom or side of a web resource. Sort of billboards along the road that display information for potential customers. Goal: site traffic, leads and sales.

For these purposes, advertisers pay display networks (Google, Facebook), precisely selecting the audience to whom the ad will be displayed. Later, you can create custom remarketing audiences based on interesting content or browsing history.

What should be an effective banner?
  • of course, such that attracts attention;

  • modern in design and visually attractive;

  • with a short concise text;

  • animated as needed to increase the likelihood that viewers will pay attention and click on your ad.

How effective are banner ads?

An unequivocal answer is formed, just like for any instrument of digital marketing: advertising is effective if it is visually appealing and used strategically.

To get the most out of your banner ads, set reasonable goals. Be wary of ads and performance reports that show extremely high click-through rates, as this could be bot activity.

Actually, display advertising works the same as the traditional one. You see a Pepsi ad, but you don't immediately go to buy it. At the same time, during your next visit to the store, you will definitely remember this brand when passing by the shelves. At times, the primary goal of an advertisement is simply to heighten brand awareness, strategically timed for maximum impact.


Measuring the effectiveness of banner ads

Undoubtedly, one of the most important tasks for business – understanding the impact of your efforts. For banner advertising, a strategic approach to analyzing indicators is the key to successful advertising campaigns.

We suggest determining banner ad metrics to analyze the effectiveness of your campaign:

Click-through rate (CTR)

CTR is the percentage of users who clicked on the ad after viewing it and went to the landing page.

Importance: a high CTR indicates high engagement, but it is critical to consider the industry, the level of competition and the context of the ad (usually promotional offers show more activity than simple informational banners).

Conversion rate

This is the percentage of users who took the desired action (for example, made a purchase) after clicking on the ad.

Importance: high CTR is only part of the story, and the conversion rate reflects the real success of your campaign.


This is an important indicator of the total number of ad impressions to all representatives of the target audience.

Importance: a high number of impressions indicates broad reach, but the quality of the impressions matters - targeted reach is key.

Return on ad spend (ROAS)

This is your revenue for every dollar spent on an advertising campaign.

Importance: ROAS provides a clear picture of a campaign's profitability, helping you gauge the financial impact of your efforts.

effectiveness measurement

Where can I get this information?
We recommend using Google Analytics and Facebook Ads Manager.
They provide comprehensive data on user behavior, conversions and traffic sources. You can track the entire customer journey, from clicking on an ad to conversion, for a holistic understanding of the running advertising campaign.

How to improve the effectiveness of banner ads?

After receiving data about running banner ads, it is necessary to make changes in advertising activities to get more results.

1. Try A/B testing

How to do it: Compare two versions of your ad to determine which elements resonate best with your audience. Test different formats to find the perfect ratio.

2. Work with placements

Experiment with different placements on sites to determine the best positions for optimal visibility.

3. Do responsive design from the start

Make sure your banner ads are optimized for different devices and screen sizes.

After all, the real power of constantly monitoring the effectiveness of ads lies not only in the numbers, but also in the insights obtained from them, which will allow you to improve and optimize your banner ad campaigns.

Factors affecting the effectiveness of banner ads

In today's world, attention is priceless. It can be maintained only by generating a visual that will be useful, aesthetic, and exciting at the same time. The effectiveness of banner ads depends on various factors: from the ingenuity of the design to the accuracy of targeting the audience or its localization.
Read more about all the factors.

Design and creativity

1. Work on the visual appeal of the advertisement

A bright and modern banner attracts attention, it should precisely match the identity of your brand, and not blindly follow trends. Evaluate your capabilities and try to use ready template solutions, which are already showing results.

Tip: Choose compelling visual effects, keeping in mind the psychology of colors and images. Build harmonious combinations with your own branding strategy.

bannerboo valentines day template

*example of a Valentine's Day template by BannerBoo

2. Keep your messages clear

A concise and clear message is the guarantee that users will understand your offer immediately. In fact, you have a split second to trigger a prospect's curiosity.

Tip: sometimes 2-3 words are enough to convey the essence of the message, but only if they are perfectly chosen.

bannerboo gaming template

*example of a Gaming template by BannerBoo

Detailed analysis of the target audience

1. Segment your customers

The first step to maximum efficiency is conscientious work with the analysis of the target audience. Separate every customer into small segments to tailor ads to specific queries, demographics, behaviors and interests for precise personalization.

Tip: Utilize data provided by advertising networks to precisely identify your target audience and create content that resonates with their needs.

2. Stick to contextual relevance

Make sure your ad fits perfectly with the content of the hosting platform. Agree, it will look quite strange to advertise a restaurant with steaks on a vegetarian forum. Choose placements where there are exactly representatives of the audience you need.

Tip: Contextualizing your ads will improve user engagement.

Ad placement strategies

1. Select the top part of the page

Of course, ads placed at the top of the site are more likely to be seen because you don't need to scroll down the page for this. But the price for such placement is higher. Therefore, it is important to choose a balance between visibility and accessibility to get the best results.

Tip: aim for a large layout format to get into the visible area (preferably the first screen of the site).

2. Develop strategic positioning

Research your audience: Consider exactly how the natural flow of users' attention works on a web resource for strategic ad placement. Choose the areas that customers like the most and where they often linger.

Tip: Test different positions to find the optimal placement for your chosen audience segment.

Choosing the right advertising platform

1. Choose the sites where your customers are

Different platforms appeal to different user demographics, so it's worth choosing the ones that suit your needs.

Tip: Analyze the user behavior of each platform to determine and shape your advertising strategy.

2. Optimize your banner ads for mobile devices

A large portion of site traffic is mobile browsing. Make sure your ads are optimized for smaller screens and look just as effective.

Tip: check on your smartphone how the ad will look, it's simple, but it helps to keep the integrity of the design.

choosing ad platform

Ad frequency and ad schedule

1. Set the frequency cap

Too many impressions can lead to ad fatigue and banner blindness. It's best to keep this value at 2-3 ad impressions per user, but of course, it all depends on the industry and type of ad.

Tip: If the impression frequency is increasing (and you can't limit it automatically), try changing banners to avoid presenting the same one repeatedly to the audience.

2. Analyze time and seasonality

Prepare seasonal offers in advance, as this will ensure that you have time to make your advertising thoughtful and effective. And it will also allow you to launch it on time.

Tip: Create your ads strategically to coincide with peak user activity.

Starting your own digital advertising, constantly analyze and adapt your strategies based on user feedback and performance metrics. The effectiveness of banner ads is not a static concept; it is a synergy of work processes, new technologies, analysis and consideration of user behavior.

The most common challenges with banner ads

Not everything in the realm of display advertising is as smooth as it seems. Faced with ad blockers and low click-through rates (CTRs), it's understandable why doubts about its effectiveness may arise.

1. Does the rise of ad blockers spell the demise of display advertising?

In 2018, Business Insider predicted that 30% of all users would use one or another ad blocker. In reality, it's not as daunting as it might appear. Much of this positive outlook is owed to online media. Major publishers such as Forbes and GQ, for instance, request users to disable ad blockers to access their content.

Ad blockers are not an enemy, but an opportunity. In fact, Google's standard (not advanced!) ad blocker blocks only the most aggressive pop-up ads and video content, which plays automatically. So if you're creating a great design that's engaging for users, you'll have less to worry about ad blockers impacting your display campaigns.

2. Do low CTRs mean that display advertising is ineffective?

At the beginning of display advertising click-through rate could reach 44% - more than any marketer could dream today. Poor quality of banners is partly to blame for low CTR. There is no doubt that there are ways to increase CTR and improve the effectiveness of banners by improving their quality.

However, is CTR a useful measure of success? Today, the goal of many display campaigns is to increase brand awareness, with an emphasis on reach and impressions as performance indicators. Display advertising is a useful strategy for communicating your brand message to a wider audience.

3. Is native advertising more effective than display advertising?

Native advertising is a type of online advertising, which matches the format of the platform it appears on. It can take the shape of a video, article or forum.

It is considered effective for several reasons:

  • recently, native advertising has had the highest click-through rate (CTR);

  • it tends to result in higher purchase likelihood compared to banner ads;

  • native advertising provides a more convenient interaction for internet users.

Both native and display advertising are ideal for any business, but it's even better to use them together.

4. Activity of online bots

Online bots are programs that automatically interact with users through a messaging interface such as Facebook Messenger, Telegram, or other web resources. They can perform various tasks, from answering questions to making purchases.

These same bots can influence the reach of display campaigns and generate peak traffic, although they are not actually real users. In reality, the percentage of such online users in the overall reach is too small to significantly impact efficiency and results.

5. Ad fatigue

This is when users become tired or aggressive from the constant exposure to advertising messages in media channels, which can lead to increased bounce rate.

Negative consequences:

  • oversaturation of advertising (too many different ads that simply haunt Internet users);

  • low relevance of advertising (if the client does not see the benefit, then he does not want to follow the advertisement);

  • aggressiveness of advertising (many windows, autoplay video with sound or numerous banners can cause negative emotions);

  • monotony of ads (the same style and tone is the cause of fatigue because everyone wants an original presentation).

To overcome ad fatigue, we recommend:

  • craft creative and original advertising that meets the interests of the audience;

  • ensure high relevance of advertising messages;

  • reduce the number of intrusive elements in advertising campaigns;

  • experiment with different advertising formats and channels.

Positive and strategically planned advertising content can increase the effectiveness of campaigns and reduce ad fatigue among audiences.

How to make an effective banner ad?

First, the visual decides everything!

We recommend working on a harmonious and modern design in special resources, such as BannerBoo! The online banner ad maker allows:

  • create various ad formats (including all sizes of popular display networks) in the workspace;

  • use 12,000+ ready-made templates, including video and GIF animations, in which it is enough to simply add the necessary information;

  • work in an intuitive interface with drag and drop capabilities (very convenient for anyone who does not even have design skills);

  • communicate in creative teams and optimize all processes to create stunning results.

bannerboo business template

*example of a Business template by BannerBoo

Secondly, it is worth remembering all the secrets of effective design:

  • Video and animation instead of standard static
    Video ads have proven its effectiveness in all marketing channels. Whether you're looking to increase brand awareness or improve conversion rate, video is key to creating eye-catching banners.
  • Offer a discount, gift, or trial version of a product or service
    Everyone loves coupons, and promotional banners can help you attract new potential customers. As soon as the customer is interested, they immediately notice the call to action (CTA). A bonus or financial discount is a great incentive to get to know your company.
  • Highlight your product
    Sometimes less is more. If you have a great product, trust that it will sell itself. High-quality and clear image is a guarantee of high results!
  • Inspire urgency
    A sale announcement is a good idea to get immediate attention. A good strategy is to promote a limited-time offer and add countdown elements. It gives a feeling of needing to act now.
  • Provide social proof and guarantees
    Rather than merely declaring yourself as 'the best,' substantiate it with statistics and customer testimonials.
  • Give your banner ads a professional look
    Choose image or video, process the visual with graphics services, add your logo and brand graphics. Spend more time, but create a message that will definitely stick in the mind of the audience.

According to specialists, the future of display advertising will be determined by new technologies, where Artificial Intelligence (AI) occupies a central place.

1. AI in banner ads

AI-powered tools transform the creative process, significantly reducing time and costs while enhancing effectiveness. Banner ad generators use artificial intelligence technology to automate the banner design process and can help to generate a large number of ads in record time.

To deliver the best solution, AI algorithms analyze huge data sets to predict user behavior, allowing advertisers to better serve users. As a result, precise targeting and personalized delivery of content contribute to higher conversion rates.

2. Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR)

Exciting technologies break the traditional boundaries of banner advertising, offering interactive experiences of interaction with advertising. Users can interact with products in virtual spaces, guaranteeing brand recall.

3. Elements of gamification

There will be more and more gamification elements in banners to increase the time users interact with the ad.

4. Video dominance

The growth in the amount of video content is expected to continue, and video banners will become the dominant format.

5. Confidentiality and ethical considerations

Increased user awareness may result in stricter rules and restrictions for advertisers.

The future of banner ads is an interesting mix of innovation and adaptability. As AI increasingly permeates the advertising ecosystem, the creative possibilities and targeting options become nearly limitless. Don't miss the opportunity to get even more conversions!


The effectiveness of banner ads is not static, but an ongoing process involving continuous improvement and learning from mistakes. It is important to adapt to trends and users behavior and technological progress. With the right analysis and use of this data, banner ads will have the power to capture, remember and contribute to the success of the brand.

What affects the effectiveness of banners?
  • stylish design (a harmonious combination of creativity, clarity and brand consistency is crucial);

  • relevance of banner ad for a specific audience and compliance with needs;

  • segmentation, personalization and contextual relevance not only optimize interaction with the user, but also contribute to increasing its effectiveness;

  • placement of the banner is important, so choose visible and convenient positions;

  • click-through rate, conversion rate, impressions, and ROI form the basis for decision-making and campaign management.

In order for your banner to be effective, it is necessary to use all the recommendations indicated in the article. And then your advertisement will be seen, it will interest customers and cause a resonance. Display ads will inspire and open new opportunities for interaction in the network!

Frequently asked questions

Are banner ads worth it?

The value of banner ad depends on various factors: target audience, industry, ad design or location. When used correctly, banner ads can:

  • increase brand awareness;

  • drive traffic;

  • drive conversions.

And now, hurry up to create banners and launch them in the advertising campaign!

What is the main purpose of a banner ad?

The main purpose of a banner ad is to attract the attention of the target audience and encourage them to take a certain action.
Banner ads are designed to convey a message, promote a product or service, and ultimately achieve desired results (conversions).

What percentage of people click on banner ads?

CTR varies by sector and industry. On average, the CTR of banner ads is usually relatively low, often between 0.1% and 0.5%. However, it is important to note that click-through rate is just one of a whole list of indicators that affect the relevance and effectiveness of the entire advertising campaign.

How to measure the effectiveness of banner ads?

We recommend paying attention to the following indicators:

  • CTR: the ratio of users who clicked on the ad and the total reach;

  • conversion rate: interest of users, who performed the desired action after clicking on the ad;

  • Ad impressions: total number of ad impressions;

  • return on ad spend (ROAS): The revenue generated for each dollar spent on an advertising campaign.

  • engagement metrics: user interaction, time spent and clicks on interactive elements.

What makes a banner effective?

The effectiveness of a banner ad is influenced by many factors, the main of which are:

  • visually attractive design that corresponds to the brand identity;

  • targeting a specific audience with personalized content;

  • a clear call to action (CTA);

  • strategic placement on relevant resources in highly visible positions.

Do banner ads make money?

Banner ads can generate income for site owners and resource editors using various models, including:

  • cost per mille (CPM): Advertisers pay a commission for every 1000 impressions.

  • cost per click (CPC): Advertisers pay for every click on an ad.

  • cost per acquisition (CPA): Advertisers pay when users complete an action, such as placing an order.

If you place banner ads, the exact income you will receive depends on:

  • targeting parameters;

  • advertising quality;

  • the value proposition offered to users.

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