In order to decide on the size of your ad, answer 3 key questions:
To make your banner truly recognizable, you don't need to use too many colors. Develop a general color concept as close as possible to the design of the website or page that your animated banner leads to. Work with color schemes or ready-made backgrounds in high quality with our gallery of over 1,000,000 photos. Didn't find what you were looking for? You can always use your own creative photo or picture. There are no prohibitions on commercial use (advertising that brings money) of the copyright object.
Follow the “4U” rule: “usefulness” of the product, “ultra-specificity” of the offer, “uniqueness” (of the product or offer), and “urgency” (in what period of time the offer is valid). These are the answers the reader should get in order to understand whether one should click on the ad or not. Moreover, by providing this information, you will also save your advertising budget, as the fewer the users who don’t benefit from your offer, the cheaper the hosting will be.
The online banner click-through rate mainly depends on how the call to action or the button is designed. Internet users already understand this concept, since everyone already intuitively knows that the button performs the action that one needs. Implement the button directly under the advertising message and do not forget to add a name to it: "Order," "Buy," "Get a consultation." Note that the name of the button determines what the reader will receive on the page they’re taken to. So carefully choose both the page and the call to action on the button.
To animate a banner is quite simple: choose elements that will change from frame to frame: inscription, icons, backgrounds, buttons. Work with an animation timeline where you can move elements to create the fade in / out / motion effects. Please note that the total animation duration should not exceed the recommended indicators of your website (usually 15-30 seconds).
Set the number of banner playbacks repetitions and optimize display ads under individual requests. With BannerBoo, you do not need to waste hours adding and removing effects by trial. It is enough just to mark the maximum size and acceptable quality of the final file; the designer will do the rest itself.
In 2020,
according to Smallbiz Genius, the average user sees around 1,700 advertisements per month but only notices half of them. Work on the quality of your banner images, create ads using the “4U” technique, use relevant but creative effects, and perhaps your display ad will be appreciated by users!
Try to create your first advert in our animated banner maker, and you will see — it's fast, simple, and very interesting!