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Refund Policy

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Refund Policy

We try and keep our refund policy as simple, fair and consistent as possible.
Cancel at any time and you will not be charged again.

For the first 15 days, you're welcome to try our service and leave with a full refund if you don't like it.

How do you request a refund during your first 15 days?
Refund requests must be sent to [email protected]. You'll get an email back saying your support ticket was received.

All refunds will be processed within 5 business days of the refund request.

A refund is not available if you use a discount when you purchase a plan.
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Upgrade for Exclusive Features!
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Ignite your creativity with our premium subscription!

✨ No watermark
✨ Unlimited banners
✨ Banner resize
✨ Animated banners
✨ Export to GIF, HTML, AMP

Unlock a treasure trove of cliparts, professional templates, and exclusive branding options. Upgrade now!
Oh noes!
We are sorry, it seems like your web browser is using some kind of Ad blocker.

Since BannerBoo is all about creating and managing banners, an ad blocker would heavily impair your experience and the whole application in general.

Please add ** as an exception or disable the ad blocker to continue.